Monday, December 23, 2013

Testimonial #3: Ken

A long-time client of Joe's, Ken, wrote a great testimonial about how training with him has increased his athletic performance.

I first started training with Joe about 2 years ago. I was searching for a trainer in 2010 because I felt like I was stagnating in my workouts. I also had a variety of knee, hip/back and shoulder injuries that were impacting my flexibility and strength. My knees and back were constantly bothering me and I had given up doing basic leg exercises like squats and deadlifts years before due to several knee surgeries.

I chose Joe because he seemed knowledgeable in both nutrition and exercise. He had a patient demeanor, and worked well with a variety of clients from hardcore athletes to injured clients to seniors. When I first started, Joe evaluated my form during all exercises and noted that my knees, hips and back may be hurting due to some weakness in certain areas. He had me back off the weight initially, focus on form, and helped me build up strength in my core, hips, glutes, and legs.

Joe progressed me quickly, advised me on diet, sleep, lifting form, etc. I found that I was gaining strength and increasing flexibility to the point where my legs and hips felt good and I was able to do all the exercises that I had avoided (deep squats, deadlifts) and they actually were fun. We eventually progressed to full Olympic Weightlifting routines, timed workouts, metabolic routines, etc. Things have improved greatly over two+ years where I am now comfortable doing any exercise and my strength has improved greatly in most exercises and continue to hit personal bests in many Olympic lifts.
I highly recommend Joe if you are looking for a trainer!

- Ken

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